Thursday, August 28, 2008

Key's Strategy and Tactics Looking Shrewder and Shrewder by the Minute

Today's bombshell Clark has known since February 2008 that it was Winston Peters himself who made the approach to Owen Glenn highlights the perfect timing and execution of the Gnats strategy.

There must be more to come - for some reason Clark has panicked and coughed up the admission that Owen Glenn told her in February this year that Peters had approached him for cash and he had paid out. Why has she coughed today?

The implications are huge - Clark completely and publically accepting without reservation Peters's word when she knows herself he has lied. She may be able to dupe many - but even she cannot dupe herself. Clark allowing her simpleton MP's to protect Peters at Parliament's most important committee when she knows the grounds of their protection is a falsehood. Is there a more corrupt action she could have taken? She is trifling with Parliament's central institution - the Privileges Committee.

The longer this goes on the dodgier Clark looks.

Question Time today should be a boiler. I wonder what today's matter of mass distraction will be. Judith Tizard streaking?

1 comment:

D E V O U R said...

Thankss for the post