Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Waterfront Stadium Sinking

Seems that Clark and Mallard's plan to rid Clark's electorate of the Eden Park rugby and cricket crowd is going the way of HMS Orpheus.

Labour Luvvie Bruce Hucker (rhymes with f*****) has come in behind the Eden Park upgrade. This is a breathtaking volte-face. Or perhaps more simply - une claque dans le visage

The hilarious bit is Hucker has lost control of the lefties on his side of the Council - WTF were Caughey and Simpson doing floating Carlaw Park at this stage?

This tells me the lunatics are running the asylum at ACC - Hubbard, Hucker and Co are all over the place.

National's clever politics to support a fast consents track to Eden Park will play well in Auckland and nationally.

ACT and the Green's are one.

Cullen the acting PM is sounding sceptical.

The stadium is Mallard's Orpheus. She ran shore in fine clear weather - missing deep water by 50 feet. 189 lives were lost.

Clark is cleverly off visiting her socialist mates in Europe while the manure hits the fan.

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